Bringing Transformation to Africa, Awakening with the People of Accra, Ghana
One Time - Days - 02/14/2014 to 04/08/2014
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We are bringing Transformation to the People of Accra, in Ghana, Africa. Imagine what's possible when you give others the opportunity to transform.

Bringing Transformation to Africa

"As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he." -James Allen

Home is calling me. 

For some of you that know me or may not know me, my name is Bettie J. Spruill. I am a Certified Management Effectiveness Coach, business and leadership consultant, entrepreneur, public speaker and writer with over 40 years experience in the field of transformational technology working with thousands of people worldwide. As a certified Master NLP practitioner and leader in the field of ontological, mindful and ecological coaching (OME), I’ve come to the realization that my life is as rich as my contributions.

Living a life of commitment and contribution is not about a set of beliefs, but rather a personal choice to live a life of authentic integrity and responsibility that embodies compassion, service and inner peace. It is also a kind of resolve that simply says, “I matter and so does everyone else and that together we can make what seems impossible, possible.”

For over 13 years now, in April of 2000, I adopted Begoro, a village in Ghana, Africa. Since then, I along with a team of volunteers, raised thousands of dollars to bring coaching and training to the people of that community to develop vision, leadership, and strategies and practices of sustainability for the individual and community. This April 2014 marks 14 years since my commitment to support the people of Africa in awakening to their greatness and what's possible when people explore who they are, really, and are given the opportunity to transform. We are Bringing Transformation to Africa. Imagine what's possible. Join us.

  • The Africa Project fundraiser is about making that opportunity happen for a community of more than 75 powerful leaders to awaken, explore and transform. 
  • The VISTAR Training is 6 days of in depth transformational work, combining various transformation technology, ontological, mindful and ecological coaching (OMO) with Neuro Linguisitic Programming (NLP), that provides tools and practices for the participants and their families to co create sustainable results, and thus strengthen their community as a whole.    

What We Need & What You Get

Life is about giving. Purpose is about what you can do for others. This project is a pay it forward venture, giving back to pay it forward. A group of volunteers will fly out at their own expense to support this project until completion. Become part of that seed that gives others the opportunity to transform. 

Here's how you can support in Bringing Transformation to Africa: 

  • The goal is to raise $75,000 which will fund the entire project from start to completion, includes costs for facility, food, lodging, the training program, as well as the ongoing efforts of a leadership program that will lead to sustainable results. 
  • A community of 75+ people will undergo a 6 day transformational training that would not be possible with out you and your contribution to making this happen. 75+ leaders and their families will be the leaders of change within their communities. 
  • Your contribution goes a long way. Many participants after this 6 day training will begin a post leadership training that will hold them accountable to creating the results they declare within the training. In return, there are 4 amazing perks that are rooted in The Power of Gratitude. See how the Universe reciprocates your thoughtful contribution.
  • You will be remembered as one of the angels for Bringing Transformation to Africa. Your name and/or your company's name will be honored and publicly acknowledged for your contribution and stand in making this possible.  

The Impact

With the Vistar Training, we are creating a massive ripple effect by igniting people's light, hopes and dreams. The participants will embark on a profound journey of transformation that will open up possibilities for the impossible to occur. These 75+ leaders will be the driving force of Transformation within their community, which will go on to inspire many others just by simply being a contribution and serving their communities through their passions and purpose. Imagine what's possible.  

TESTIMONIAL From one of the Graduates of the Course in Ghana: 

Hello, I am excited about the training coming once more in Ghana. Empowerment is what the training does. We have a lot of clouding our minds which is not helping us see the world around us and its realities. There is this powerful saying that as a man thinketh so is he. THE VISTAR TRAINING PREPARES YOU TO HAVE A PARADIGM SHIFT. If you should ask me what our problem is in Africa, its not poverty, its not wars, but it has to do with our thinking. I am often seen differently with the way I view things and the world around me. I am like this because out of the experiences I had in the trainings my view of the world changed. It is my wish that a lot of Ghanaians will get this exposure to boost capacity building and equip us to build mother Ghana. God bless you all for supportng to this worthy course. We are looking forward to seeing you in Ghana. -Dorinda Winful 

Other Ways You Can Help

Some people just can’t contribute, but that doesn’t mean you can’t help:

  • They say Word of Mouth is the BEST Marketing Tool still to this day despite all the technology innovations. Support this amazing cause by getting the word out and let's make some noise about Bringing Transformation to Africa. You never know who's listening/watching and what you can source by simply sharing our vision. Tell everyone you know and everyone you come across with!! Share the dream. GIVE PEOPLE THE GIFT OF BEING A CONTRIBUTION!! 
  • Use following hashtags: #Regeneration #ProjectAfrica #Ghana2014 #weareone
  • Use the Indiegogo share tools and please share it everyday several times a day. Let's make this happen! Let's Bring Transformation to Africa!! 

And that’s how we do it! Thank you for all your support and for being the beacon of light and hope for so many. 

Infinite Blessings. 

Bettie Spruill and Team. 

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