
Why am I being asked to donate to Zbynet?

Support Z bynet. Independent Business /Social & fact-based journalism.

For 10 years, The Z bynet Platform has been the most trusted source for Business / Social Media & accurate, unbiased news. We still offer resources for all users communicate privately and secure and share your products, services and more…

Your donation will help The Z bynet continue its mission to keep improving our fact-based platform!

Make a one-time donation. Select an amount:

Z bynet, inc

Follow the facts, grow your leads & results

Z bynet is a dynamic online platform poised for exponential growth, offering a cutting-edge fusion of networking and content creation. With a focus on fostering meaningful connections, provides users with a unique space to engage, collaborate, and showcase their talents.

This investment opportunity presents a gateway to a thriving digital community with vast potential in the evolving landscape of online interaction.


Why am I being asked to donate to Z bynet?
Zbynet, inc is an independent platform for Business, Social media and news organization dedicated to factual reporting. Founded in 2005, the Z today remains the most trusted source of fast, accurate, unbiased news and Business directory in all formats and the essential provider of the technology and services vital to the small and mid sized business. No organization does more to advance the power of facts.
Your one-time donation helps us produce, share and keep our platform independent, nonpartisan journalism seen and open by people all around the world every day.
Does my donation entitle me to any tax relief or charitable donation deduction?
Donations to the Z are not charitable donations and therefore are not tax deductible. They are not eligible for “gift aid” in the United States or any other jurisdiction worldwide.
What payment methods can I use to make my donation?
You can make your donation by credit card or check. We accept most major credit cards.
How do I donate via check?
Please send checks to the address below and ensure you note "Customer Donation" in the memo line.
Zbynet, inc
819 A Street
Suite # 23
San Rafael, CA 94901
Attention Billing Department.
What security measures do you provide for my payment information?
When you donate online your payment information will be processed by our payment processor, Square. To learn more about Square’s security practices, please visit. Square Security.
I have a question about making a donation. Who should I contact?
Please email us at and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
I accidentally donated the wrong amount. What should I do?
The Z offers total and partial refunds if you accidentally donated the wrong amount. Please email our support team at
For other forms of support

Investor Relations

If you want to know more about Z bynet platform, our goals for the future, click the button, invest with us and get involved on this project that is ready to grow exponentially all over the world.